Certified Jmeter Performance Tester covers the topics related with Performance testing which is an important part of Testing software testing. Jmeter is one of the most popular and leading open source performance testing tool in today’s market. It’s an Apache project that can be used as a load testing tool for analyzing and measuring the performance of a variety of services, with a focus on web applications.
Target Audience
This certificate aimed at people who are testers, performance tester, test analysts, test engineers, test consultants, test managers, user acceptance testers and software developers. This is also appropriate for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of performance testing
There are no prerequisites for this Certification. However, we recommend to have a basic web technology and Network knowledge.
- Getting started with Performance Testing Tool
- Installation and Configuration
- Understanding the basics of Jmeter
- HTTP requests and listeners
- Recording the Jmeter Scripts
- Recording the application under test with Jmeter
- Recording and playback Jmeter Scripts
- Recording in Chrome with Blazemeter extension
- controller,Runtime controller usage in Scripting
- Regular expression extractor example& Debug Sampler
- Datadrive the data into application
- Datadriven code dump
- Steps to identify correlation and analysing it
- Regular expression importance in Parsing the response
- Regular expressions code
- Handling Correlation with Scrpting techniques
- Beanshell Scripting Basics & Variables
- Generating Dynamic values with Beanshell sampler
- Testcase example-htmlunit Driver
- REST API Basics -Importance of testing them
- REST API requests types discussion
- Load Testing on REST API
- Yourkit Profiler tool for Server Monitoring
Exam Details
Participants need to sit the VTB exam in order to acquire the certification. The exam format is outlined below:
- 40 questions
- Multiple choice
- Closed book
- Duration : 1 Hour (1 Hour + 15 Minutes for participants whose first language is not English)
Participants need to achieve 65% in order to pass the examination