Certified Selenium Automation Tester aims at providing a solid advance to the attendee in understanding automated testing.
Target Audience
This certificate aimed at people who are advanced level of automation tester, test consultants, test managers and software developers. This is also appropriate for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of automation testing
Previous Selenium experience or completed Selenium Foundation certificate course. One of following programming language – Python, C#, Groovy, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Scala
- Automation Overview
- Creating Selenium Scripts in Eclipse/IntelliJ IDE
- Installing and configuring Eclipse
- Creating a basic automated test and a test suite
- Executing a test and test suite through Eclipse/IntelliJ
- Importing a test from Selenium IDE
- Selenium WebDriver
- Debugging and coding
- Setting breakpoints
- Retrieving values on-the-fly
- Stepping through code
- Using observations from the application under test and data source
- Making deductions
- Building and testing a hypothesis
Page Object Model - Introducing the Page Object Model: concept of re-use
- The concept of Public and Private and its uses
- How to access the page objects in a test script
- Object Recognition
- Why it is hard to identify an object.
- The need to be unique, stable, navigable.
- Choice of element locator
- Use of multiple locator properties
Use of XPath or CSS - Use of Xpath and CSS patterns
- Use of ordinal identifiers
- XPath and CSS syntax: how to use the firepath tool to write more stable locators
- Descriptive programming for dynamic objects
- How to navigate web iframes
- Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) and Cucumber
- An outside-in test driven approach to developing an automation test.
Exam Details
Participants need to sit the VTB exam in order to acquire the certification. The exam format is outlined below:
- 40 questions
- Multiple choice
- Closed book
- Duration : 1 Hour 30 Minutes (1 Hour 30 Minutes+ 23 Minutes for participants whose first language is not English)
Participants need to achieve 65% in order to pass the examination